Visual Literacy
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 27, 2021, 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM
Doug Pontsler

This session examines why we don’t see things that are right in front of us and hide in the background. Grounded in lessons learned from art education, tools exist that allow us to see more completely by improving how we look at the environment and the tasks we must complete. Improving our visual literacy skills improves our ability to work safely and more effectively. 

Highly interactive, participants in this session will:
• Understand what visual literacy is and why it matters to each of us
• Understand how visual literacy matters to our safety processes
• Understand how simple tools and techniques can be utilized to improve our ability to see the things that can hurt us
• Understand how the brain controls what we see and why Improving our personal safety requires proactive identification and mitigation of the hazards around us.

We can’t improve what we can’t see and visual literacy is key to our success

Virtual Session Link